  The Gîte
Beau de Nadalie (May 2011)
Born may 25th 2011

Marché des producteurs in Bouzic (July 2010):
Every tuesday evening: barbeque and local spices : Cheese, meat, Fois Gras, Fruit, Wine (vin de Domme), Bread, Pies, Ice, ......

Somewhat more wet then usual, but a full Ceou is normal this time of the year (13-5-08):

Orchid time (1-5-08):

Added and orchid webpage :
1st week of may : orchis purpurea, orchis ustulata, orchis morio subsp. champagneuxii, ophrys insectifera, cephalanthera longifolia, Anacamptis pyramidalis

Two representatives of March (12-3-08):

Morchella Vulgaris (Morille, "réputé pour son goût très fin"), beside Helleborus Foetidus

The rozemarin already has flowers; Spring is already there (15-2-08):

It feels like the second part of march; This big guy doen't have problems with it

Wallnut Oil (14-2-08):

This morning (7:00, "à la bon heure") I went to Sainte-Nathalène to press 25 kilo of wallnuts; Result, 15 liter delicious walnut-oil; The photo was taken in the mill but with a wrong camerasetting (mountain landscape) and without flash, but the result does give an impression.

Another two weeks (17-9-07):

Big calibre and many wallnuts this year thanks to the rain on the right moments; A farmer, however, allways nows something to complain about : Extra moist means more bacteriose (the black stains), that will cause that a pasrt of the nuts will fall too early; We can already see some cracks, but, as always the real harvest will be the second and third week of october (unless the temperature drops soon; now it is still comfortably 24 degrees).

You're getting tall (16-9-07):

Four months now and nearly just as long as your mother; Where will it end ?